by Melissa Jarvis | Nov 1, 2016 | Uncategorized
The newness of a fragile baby, the hospital lighting & standard swaddles- it makes me remember the first few days after my son was born. There is something so special about those first few days of being a new family, whether it’s the first born or the last....
by Melissa Jarvis | Oct 17, 2016 | Family, Mini Session
I have three dates scheduled for fall mini sessions this year for the Greater Pittsburgh area. I wasn’t so sure that the first day would go on as planned. It rained (or more accurately- downpoured) overnight before the first scheduled date. I was shocked to see...
by Melissa Jarvis | Oct 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
I have three dates scheduled for fall mini sessions this year for the Greater Pittsburgh area. I wasn’t so sure that the first day would go on as planned. It rained (or more accurately- downpoured) overnight before the first scheduled date. I was shocked to see...
by Melissa Jarvis | Sep 10, 2016 | Children, Couples, Family, Mini Session
How long has it been since you’ve updated your family photos? As is often the case, it’s been far too long. This fall will be the perfect time to get together for only *twenty minutes* to capture some memories as your children grow. It won’t be long...
by Melissa Jarvis | Sep 6, 2016 | Children
I have known Kenzie since she was just a few weeks old. Her mother and I both attended a New Mom Coffee with our newborns babies. We’re lucky enough to have gotten to know one another and become friends, watching our children grow up and get to know one another....